Infrared Hot Yoga

Gauge Yoga is the ONLY INFRARED HEATED yoga studio in the area.

Infrared Heat is a safe new form of heat therapy raising awareness in athletic and medical communities. Just like solar heat, infrared heat warms solid objects rather than the surrounding air. Infrared heat targets and absorbs deep into muscle tissue and joints producing a variety of benefits for the body, mind and soul.

You are probably familiar with traditional saunas; the high temperatures, sprinkling water over the rocks to add a blast of steam, the sweat. Traditional saunas have been used in residential and commercial settings for many years, but the intense heat of them can make the sauna experience uncomfortable or downright unenjoyable for some. That’s where infrared heat comes in.

Whereas traditional heaters heat the air in the room (causing you to sweat due to being in a hot environment), infrared heating panels are designed to directly heat the body without raising the air temperature to uncomfortable levels (picture the feeling of getting in your car on a hot day). Lots of people find that the softer heat provided by Far- Infrared Panels allows them to stay comfortable during their yoga practice, with gives the body more time to release waste from the system. The lower temperatures and “softer” heat are also easier on your heart and lungs, and cause less stress on your cardiovascular system.

Healthy Heat

Radiant heat is healthy heat. Think of standing outside on a warm sunny day – remove the light from the sun and keep the heat. This is infrared heat. Infrared heat is the safest and most effective form of heating the body. Infrared heats objects, not the air, thus making it comfortable to practice yoga as well as increasing circulation and may stimulate the body’s natural processes to increase metabolism and eliminate wastes.

Breathe Easy

As infrared heat doesn’t heat the air in the room, but the objects in the room – the air is always clean and easy to breathe. Practicing pranayama (or breath work) has never been so comfortable in a heated space. While the body heats up from the deep tissues and the breath, yoga practices become of more ease allowing students to find more meaningful and comfortable classes.

Amazing benefits

Safe: as mentioned previously, infrared heat is one of the safest methods of heating on the market today. The panels are ETL/CTL approved and registered for safe electrical heating in both Canada and the United States. Students will feel the amazing benefits of the safe heat without difficulties breathing or moving. Sweat produced with infrared is more consistent throughout the body and there will be less flying of sweat off student bodies onto other students or puddles of sweat on the floor.