Yearly archives: 2020

Marty and Sid (the plumber) successfully located all the pertinent plumbing under the floor without any blueprints, and without rupturing the gas and water lines that ran precariously close to the sewer line. Impressive work by Marty, and a really tidy rough-in by Sid.

Shower Room Plumbing Update

I met with Paulina Klevgaard yesterday to go over some details and sign her contracts. I’m pleased to announce that she will be joining Martinson Health May 1 in our new location. Talk about a great free-agent signing! Paulina has earned the reputation in Camrose […]

Paulina’s hoops and dreams

Going back to where this all began takes us to Alicante, Spain in April 2016. I was taking an Active Release Techniques course at this popular vacation city about an hour south of Valencia. Here, in a small hotel conference room I spent three full […]

Once upon a time in Spain…

We went with a 8 mm rubber interlock with grey fleck from Rymar in Calgary. Thumbs up to Tim for great customer service and Dayce Newman’s crew for running down there on short notice to pick-up and deliver all 5200 lbs of it for us. […]

Gym Flooring

I'm excited to announce that this is the first in a series of posts that are going to tell the story of how we're going to solve this riddle. I'm not doing it alone; I'm teaming up with some of the most well-educated, enthusiastic, and positive people I know in a large, inspired space. I can't wait for it all to unfold.

Solving the Riddle